Finding men's dress shirts that fit properly, don't cost a fortune, and look sharp is a combination that is hard to come by. Luckily has you covered! Buy Karl Knox dress shirts of all sorts at a discount that always assures you that you got a great deal! High quality discount men's dress shirts are our specialty.
Dress shirts could be broadly classified into three types
* Fashion dress shirts
* French cuff dress shirts
* Slim fit dress shirts
Whats a Dress Shirt?
Dress shirt is the first thing you put on and your last line of defence. When you button it up in the morning, you should feel confident, in control, even invincible. Seriously, putting on a crisp, clean shirt that fits perfectly makes you feel like you're the boss. But here's the thing: A dress shirt is not any old shirt—there are a lot of details to get right, from the collar to the cuffs to the cut of the torso. All that said, buying the right dress shirt isn't quantum physics. You can find it at your local mall just as surely as at the fanciest, priciest, most fashionable store on Madison Avenue. You just have to understand the following principles.
1) Check Your Neck: You should know your measurements-neck size and arm length-and not just for the sake of it. These numbers are the key to making you look better. If your collar is so loose it hangs off your neck, or so tight it makes your face blush, you're stuck with it. So take action-get measured
2) The One-Finger Rule: Make sure you can comfortably fit one finger between the collar and your neck. If two fingers fit, the collar's too big.
3) Trim the Shirt Fat: No matter what your shape, buy a dress shirt that closely fits your torso. Billowy folds don't disguise; they only amplify.
4) There Are a Zillion Collars:
Ignore Them.The spread. The cutaway. The super-duper mega-point. Yeah, we get confused by collar choices, too. But really, you only need to know one: the semispread. It's not too fashion-forward, not too conservative. It works with every kind of suit, every kind of tie. You can't go wrong
5) Creativity :
Now that you understand the fundamentals of how a dress shirt should fit, you can start getting creative and playing with patterns. In the fall and winter months, we prefer richer, more muted tones-the kind that go great with a dark business suit and strike a smart, urbane note. And when the temperature rises, your color palette should, too. Have some fun and reach for a lime green, pink, or lavender gingham.
6) Surefire Tip: Real Men Wear Pink
Guys might think, 'Oh, I can't wear pink,' but it all depends on what kind of pink you wear. You don't want a bubble-gum hot pink; you want a light pink. Wear it with a simple dark tie and that color flatters everyone's skin.