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How To Wear A Scarf With Coat Men?

mensusaAlthough a scarf is a simple piece of fabric in rectangle form, still most men are confused as to how to wear it properly; many feel that wearing of a scarf is somehow effeminate process. Here purpose of this article is to tell you some ways to wear a hassle free style. Generally, men’s scarves are 10 inches wide, 70 inches long approximately, and can be made from either a solid or patterned cut of cloth that designed to wrap around the neck. So you have got sufficient raw material to build a castle. Well, people have faced problem with knots and the common questions behind ‘how to wear a scarf? ’ is actually ‘How do I end up with this kind of knot in a particular style?

No worries, we shall discuss all the knots and ways to wear with your mens sports coats.

The Once Round wearing style:

It does a great job to keep neck warm and can be use with all length of scarves medium length to long. Now to tie it, use the scarf and wrap it around your neck once and just leave leaving two ends to dangle in the front.

Wearing coat in Ascot Style:

The Ascot (overhand knot)-It is one of the simplest scarf knots that you can wear. For this choose the height that is how low or high you want to wear it generally it hangs a bit looser around the neck .To tie it take the scarf and then put it over the shoulders. By taking both ends of the scarf tie those “over-and-under,” just as giant pair of shoelaces are tied now adjust the front to be a bit smooth and tighten best fox for coats closer to the neck as you desire or feel you comfortable.

How to wear The Fake Knot style:

This knot is best suited for patterned scarf or a scarf that has a thicker weave. For medium length scarf this is the best option. Now to make it hang the scarf around your neck in such a manner that one end is twice of the other in length. Tie a loose over-hand knot up to the end of the shorter side and leave about 12-18 inches on the end than tug the knot apart and slip the other end straight slightly and tighten up to the length desired.

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