Black Dress White Collar And Cuffs
Black Dress White Collar And Cuffs Suits are one of the major styles when it comes to menswear. But one of the elements in suits that which forms the major part in any of the styles that we wear on a daily basis is the mens dress shirts. Whether it...
Black Dress White Collar And Cuffs
Suits are one of the major styles when it comes to menswear. But one of the elements in suits that which forms the major part in any of the styles that we wear on a daily basis is the mens dress shirts. Whether it be for pairing with suits are wearing it as a separate simply with a pair of trousers, dress shirts play an important role in the styles that a man wears. Therefore, it is important that you get to know the basics of the dress shirts, the styles available and how best to style them.
So what is a dress shirt? For people who don't know, dress shirts are the button-up shirts with collars, sleeves that are long and cuffs at the wrist. The term dress shirt differs in sense in different parts of the world. For example a dress shirt means a formal shirt in the United Kingdom but in the United States it means the shirts that we wear with the evening wear like tuxedos and such. These dress shirts are made from a variety of materials and a variety of styles. Some shirts may have a solid color throughout while some may have contrasting color in collars and cuffs like mens black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirts. There are also styles of dress shirts that come with patterns on it. You need to select the material from which it is made from and the style of the dress shirt keeping in mind the purpose for which you are purchasing the dress shirt. When it comes to formal dress shirts, white has been the standard color of these shirts. Other than white there are other lighter colors like blue and pink that are often paired with formal suits.
Now before we go into the details it may be best to know the history of the dress shirts and how it became one of the most important elements in men's fashion. The shirts are said to have first seen in the 17th century. At these time the shirts were mostly used as an undergarment and were worn to protect the outer layer of garments like waistcoat and frock coats from sweat and soil. Only by the 19th century the shirts were worn as garments by their own. Beau Brummell the godfather of modern mens clothing was also the forerunner of making the shirts to be worn as dandy garments.
By this time the white shirts has become the symbol of the gentlemen and this took major shape by the start of the 20th century. At those times industrial revolution was taking place and most of the men worked jobs that concerned with machines or such sort. Therefore, the clothes that they wear tend to get dirty during their jobs. Therefore, a man with white shirt, black dress white collar and white cuffs meant that he was on a higher level. Thus, the man with a white shirt was working a job which is the equivalent of what we call white collar jobs now. Thus, the white shirts were looked up on greatly at that time. Soon the trend of removable collars caught on with the people in the cities. This was because of the fact that the shirts collars tend to get dirty frequently and needs constant washing compared to the shirts. Therefore, detachable collars were introduced on shirts which meant that you could remove the collar on the shirts, wash it and then attach the collars on the shirts again. Men at the Victorian era were even known to buy celluloid and paper collars so as to save money and for the shirts to be more functional. Soon the different styles in dress shirts were soon introduced and with time this increased a great deal.
In modern days you have a lot of styles in dress shirts and also in various colors. White shirts still remain the most formal choice if dress shirts but other styles are also widely used. The details on the shirts are also very important and creating the variations in these details makes them diverse. The details like the collars and the cuffs are important that makes you look perfect.
One of the major style of dress shirts is the shirts with contrasting color collars and cuffs on it. This contrasting colors of collars and cuffs on the shirt is a throwback style that is about a century ago when the style of detachable collars on the shirts were prominent. The practice of detachable collars even though starting for a functional use soon caught on to be a trend. At that time the men mostly wore three-piece suits and therefore the vest and the jacket covered most part of the shirt that they are wearing. Because of this the collar was the most visible part in the shirt and thus the detachable collars' idea was a success. Men started using only two to three shirts in a week but had a wide variety of collars which helped them have a neat and cool look. With some time the detachable collars went out of style but some people still wore it in the 1930s. This was the time when the contrast collar shirts came into style. People wore shirts that can be patterned or colored but the collar of the shirt was always in white. Thus style of shirts continued to be in style for a long time and suddenly surged up in popularity in the 1980s with the release of the movie Wall Street.
One of the best recommendations when it comes to contrast collared shirts is the black dress white collar and cuffs shirts. This white and black dress shirt can give you a formal and elegant look since it has the major color combination for it to be formal which is black and white. For the black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt look to work you need to style and accessorize it properly. You can wear this black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt with a suit for a formal and professional look. For this type of use you can keep the black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt solid so that it matches the formal vibe of the outfit that you are pairing it with. As for the accessories to pair with black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt you can add braces instead of belts and then complete it with a pair of good lace up shoes. On the contrary for a semiformal or casual look you can pair the black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt with a sport coat instead of a suit and then add a pair of casual loafers to the mix. There are a lot of styles when it comes to black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt and you need to know the basics of how to style it right and at the same time be aware about the various style options available in the black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt.

The next thing that you need to focus up on is the height of the collar on the black shirt that you are purchasing. The height of the collar refers to how much high the collar sits on your neck and this height is always measured from the fold of the collar to the point. The tall collars on the shirts are considered to be more formal from the shorter ones. The number of the buttons on the collar increases with the height of the collars so as to support the extra weight. If you are wearing your black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt with suits or any formal style you must go with tall collars. High collars are more of an Italian style and are the best to make good impression in workplaces. If you are going with semiformal or casual style then you can go with shorter collars on the black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt.
The size of the collar on the black dress white collar and cuffs shirt is also another aspect that you will have to check before purchasing the style. There are different types of collars and each of them have a different size. As for the size of the collars it is always best to avoid extremes and go with moderate size. Also, another thing by which you can choose the size of the collar on your black dress white collar and cuffs shirt is the shape of your face. If you have a large round face then it may be best for you to go with bigger collars since they can make your face look smaller and more lean. On the contrary if you have a small face then wearing larger collars may dwarf your face and therefore it may be best to go with smaller collars on your black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt in these cases.

As for the style of the black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt you can go with solids or the ones with patterns. This selection depends on the style of outfit for which you are purchasing the black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt to pair it with. For example if you are going with a formal style then you can go with checker pattern black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt, plaid black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt, cotton black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt, banded collar black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt windowpane black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt. For a casual style you can go with two-tone black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt, polka dot black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt, contrast black dress white collar and Men's cuffs shirt and many more.